Webinar: How GDPR has Impacted American Companies
– and the Future of Transatlantic Data Transfers
The GDPR marked a turning point in privacy and data protection practices globally and transformed how American companies approach the protection of personal data. Because of the large potential fines and complexity of the GDPR, American companies devoted significant resources to developing privacy and compliance programs once the GDPR was enacted. In the last few years, however, the most important aspect of the GDPR to American companies has been the issue of transatlantic data transfers and whether the EU is slowly moving towards requiring data localization.
This webinar will provide insights on how companies can navigate these difficult issues by both providing an explanation of US surveillance laws, recommendations on how to craft supplementary measures and a discussion of risk mitigation strategies such as data localization. We will also discuss the likelihood of an updated version of the Privacy Shield (i.e., Privacy Shield 2.0) being adopted and whether such a mechanism will be a viable alternative.
The webinar is presented by Amanda Witt, Partner, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP.
Den här sändningen spelades in i oktober 2022. Ny praxis och lagändringar kan ha tillkommit sedan dess.
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